Ordering a repeat prescription:
Out of Hours:
​ - GP extended hours service for urgent medical issues
Located in St. James's Hospital
Ph: 01-4545607
Monday-Friday: 6pm-10pm
Weekends & Bank Holiday: 10am-6pm

Surgery Hours:
mornings 9.30 - 12pm
afternoons 2.00 - 4.30pm
Closed: Wed afternoon Sat & Sun
We operate a walk-in clinic Mon mornings only 9.30 - 10.30am.
If you wish to see a specific doctor it's better to make an appointment.
Please note:
It will take 72 hours (3 working days) from the time we receive your information to have your prescription ready for you.
If you have not requested your prescription in time, your pharmacy may supply you with up to 1 weeks emergency medications until your prescription is ready.
Your doctor may need to see you before issuing a repeat prescription. If that is the case you will be contacted to arrange an appointment.
Repeat prescriptions take 72 hours to process.
Please give us sufficient notification. It takes time for the doctors to review prescriptions, and this work can only be done outside of surgery hours.
Your prescription will be sent directly by email directly to your pharmacy of choice.
If the doctor needs to see you before issuing the prescription, we will contact you to make an appointment.
There are a number of ways to order your prescription:
Fill in the online form below and submit it to us via the "send button".
or email us at
Download the form here and deliver, by hand, by post, or by fax to (01) 6236902.
Practice Presciption Policy:
Completion of our prescription order form by patients is of great assistance to the practice, and we would encourage patients to use this form.
This policy is in place to:
Ensure maximum patient safety
Ensure that patients are aware of the medications they are requesting
Reduce the risk of prescribing unnecessary medications
Ensure accurate records of patient medication requests are retained
Minimise human error