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Blood tests

Blood testing is done free of charge at both St James hospital and Tallaght hospital.
To book an appointment follow the link.
CLICK HERE for Tallaght
CLICK HERE for St James
Blood tests can also be done at the practice but they do incur a €20 charge unless specifically requested by your doctor.
Out of Hours:
​ - GP extended hours service for urgent medical issues
Located in St. James's Hospital
Ph: 01-4545607
Monday-Friday: 6pm-10pm
Weekends & Bank Holiday: 10am-6pm
Outside of these hours Doctor on Duty may be contacted for urgent medical care
Ph: 01-420 0880

Surgery Hours:
mornings 9.30 - 12pm
afternoons 2.00 - 4.30pm
Closed: Wed afternoon Sat & Sun
We operate a walk-in clinic on Monday mornings only 9.30 - 10.30am.
If you wish to see a specific doctor it's better to make an appointment.
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